Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Congratulations Noa Tsapis!

Congratulations Noa Tsapis!

Congratulations to our Hebron Academy Middle School student Noa Tsapis for getting her 100 word tiny love story published in the New York Times!! That’s a big deal for a tiny story!

Title: Nothing to Fix
“People call me heartless. I’m not. I lack one type of human connection, not all of them. I may never have a girlfriend or boyfriend, but I can love family, friends and pets. People say they can “fix” me; they can’t. I’m not broken, just different. People say it’s made-up. It isn’t. I’m not heartless. I’m not broken, not a liar and not loveless. I’m just me, and I’m asexual.”