Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Cum Laude Society Inductees 2022

Cum Laude Society Inductees 2022

Founded in 1906, the Cum Laude Society is dedicated to honoring scholastic achievement in secondary schools and recognizes academic achievement for the purpose of promoting excellence (Areté), justice (Diké), and honor (Timé).  The Hebron Academy Chapter of the Cum Laude Society is one of the oldest, founded in 1927. The founders of the society modeled Cum Laude after Phi Beta Kappa and in the years since its founding, Cum Laude has grown to 382 chapters, approximately two dozen of which are located in public schools and the rest in Independent schools. Membership is predominantly in the United States, but chapters also are located in Canada, England, France, Spain, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. 

Every year the Hebron Academy Chapter of the Cum Laude Society elects new members from the 11th-grade and 12th-grade/Postgraduate classes. This year the members of the chapter are pleased to welcome the following students to the Society:

Class of 2022:
Nicholas Vito DeMarco
Sean Daniel Gleason
Daniel Král
Maya Krishana
Lili-Marie Schmidt

Class of 2023:
Nola Grace Goodwin
Han Xiangru
Anthony Jacob Lombardo
Beatrice Ann Money
Dana Marian Patino Valdivia

Students from the Class of 2022 elected in their 11th-grade year are:
Dylan Taylor Brand
Julia Marie Gregory
Calvin Kenjiro Grover

This is Hebron Academy's highest academic honor and we look forward to celebrating these students with the entire community at their Induction Ceremony on April 29th.