Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

National Day of Silence

National Day of Silence

Today, April 23rd is the National Day of Silence. 

Hebron's GSTA (Gay Straight Transgender Alliance) has been tabling in the foyer of Sturtevant Home to share information about the DOS and to provide supportive buttons, stickers and overall education about the significance of the Day of Silence.  This is a day that brings awareness to the Silencing- the discrimination and marginalization of the LGBTQ community. Students and staff are invited to take a vow of silence for a morning, an afternoon, or the whole day to experience and share what it looks like to not be able to speak your truth.  Many students and staff also wrote a DOS selfie poster indicating why they support the day. Messages range from Ms. Violette's "Love is Love" to Will '27  "to embrace everyone for who they are."  Mrs. Miller, Director of Mental Health and Wellness supported a tie-dye mask event for students who wanted to show their Rainbow support. Students across the globe participate and Hebron has been recognizing this day for over 15 years. The day concludes with a tradition of "breaking the silence," and at Hebron, we ring the bell! 

For parents interested in supporting their teens around questions of sexuality, here is an article put together by professionals in social work field with a range of interests.