Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Get Ready for Our New Community Members: 2022-2023 New Student Profile

Get Ready for Our New Community Members: 2022-2023 New Student Profile

Forest Riddington, Grade 11th, Deerfield, Massachusetts

"When researching schools, I was most captivated by Hebron. Hebron exemplifies a strong sense of community and work ethic.  Ever since switching out of my private elementary school to attend public school for the last four years, I have missed the sense of connection that a small, private school community shows. And Hebron exhibited what I was looking for very well. When I found out I had gotten in, I was thrilled. I am excited for the boarding experience and ready to take in all the opportunities Hebron offers."