Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

This Week at HAMS- Week of January 17

This Week at HAMS- Week of January 17

Week of 1/17/2022

Happy New Year! HAMS students have returned to their classes, and we have finished the 6th week of the winter term. We will reach the end of the winter midterm marking period on Friday, January 21th. Teachers will be working on the midterm grade reports over the course of next week and the winter midterm reports will be available on myhebron beginning on Tuesday, 2/1.

Fall Trimester Middle School Honor Roll

Here is the Middle School 2021 Fall Trimester Honor Roll

Congratulations to all of the HAMS scholars for all of their hard work throughout the fall trimester. We encourage all of our students to keep up a strong effort in all of their classes. We teachers are proud of all of our students!

Upcoming Dates

Friday, January 21 - Winter midterm grading period closes

January 24 - 26 - Winterlude activities

Tuesday, February 1 - Winter midterm grade reports available on myhebron

Monday, February 14 - No classes

Wednesday, March 2 - Last day of classes for the winter term. Spring break begins at the end of the class day.