Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

We Are The Women of Hebron

We Are The Women of Hebron

Did you know that this September marks the 50th Anniversary of Hebron Academy returning back to a Coeducational School? We were originally a coed school from the beginning in 1804. In 1922, it was decided that Hebron would go to an all-boys school and that would be true until 1971 when the school went back to being coed. The first female student to return back to Hebron was Mary Gallant Bley. She took classes in the fall of 1971 and then attended college in January of 1972. She is an official graduate of the 1972 class.

In order to honor our 50th anniversary of returning back to co-ed, we wanted to celebrate all the women of Hebron, past, present, and future. We would like to thank all the faculty and students who helped create this video with us. We hope you like it as much as we enjoyed being part of it.