Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Winter Honor Roll

Birds eye view of Hebron Academy with students from the Class of 2021 on front steps

We are pleased to announce the Upper School Winter Trimester Honor Roll!  The Honor Roll is published at the conclusion of each trimester.  There was an incorrect list published earlier, but click below for the corrected one.  Students earning an average of 3.7–4.0 achieve Highest Honors. The High Honors designation is for students with averages of 3.3–3.69, inclusive. Students whose averages are between 3.0 and 3.29 are designated Honors students.  In effect, the Honor Roll designations reflect academic averages of B, B+ and A- or better, as long as the student did not receive more than one grade below B- and/or any grade below C.  Many insurance companies offer a Good Student discount to students who have averages of B or better for the preceding trimester, too!  Congratulations to our honor students, and keep up the good work!

Winter Honor Roll