Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

September 2023 Athlete of the Month Announced

September 2023 Athlete of the Month Announced

In the world of high school sports, there are athletes who stand out not only for their outstanding skills but also for their unwavering dedication and team spirit. This month, we shine the spotlight on Sariah Hubeny, our September 2023 Athlete of the Month. Sariah plays sweeper for the Girls' Varsity Soccer team.  

Coach Meredith Hanby met Sariah at a soccer expo last fall and instantly knew she would be a great fit for Hebron. "As our sweeper, Sariah has led our defensive diamond as a formidable brick wall - saving a number of shots from coming close to the net. Her goal kicks, direct kicks, and corner kicks are a sight to see - and you better make way when she attacks the ball and sends it up the line. She’s fast and she’s furious on the field! And, although defensive players rarely have opportunities to shoot on goal, she’s racked up a number of shots and has secured our two Penalty Kicks in both our Kents Hill Scrimmage and our recent victory over Hyde," says Coach Hanby.

Sariah's dedication to her craft, sportsmanship, and teamwork make her a true role model and a well-deserved recipient of this month's Athlete of the Month award. Congratulations, Sariah, on your outstanding achievements!

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