Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Intermezzo Reflections

Intermezzo Reflections

In the fall of 2023, Hebron Academy introduced a new format for experiential learning in the academic program. Intermezzo is a week-long pause in our traditional academic schedule during which students immerse themselves in one topic for a week of experiential, place-based learning. 

This year’s Intermezzo catalog included courses such as Glaciated Landscapes of Maine, Intro to Baking, Pizzamezzo, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Mindfulness Immersion, Exploring Maine’s Coastal Wonders, Great Maine Day Hikes, Intro to Journalism, Adulting 101, Coaching Theory & Practice Design, and Page to Stage. 

Great Maine Day hikes had exceptional weather to enjoy peak foliage in Maine.

Our journalism students explored the topic by joining, interviewing, and writing about the various courses. They gathered quotes and information from students and faculty to understand the objectives and outcomes achieved through a week of Intermezzo and published a special edition of The Hebron Review, our student magazine.

A few student reflections are captured below, and you can read more about the course as well as student experiences in the special edition of The Hebron Review they put together over the course of the week.

Programs are designed and put together by faculty, with input and suggestions from students, and the entire week is organized by Director of Outdoor Education Jackson Baker. 

Students in Pizzamezzo learned a variety of cooking techniques from pizza to pasta to grilling and desserts.

When asked why she decided to run the yoga program for Intermezzo, Ms. Motta answers that she thinks Intermezzo is a time for a pause, and reflection. “It’s typically a time of year when people start feeling burnt out, a lot of people start getting sick, and so I wanted to do something really restorative and mood boosting, something relaxing.”

“Sure they run practice and games, but that's just the beginning,” one student reflects on his week in Coaching Theory & Practice Design.  “Coach Vining explained to us how a coach has a complex job that takes up an enormous amount of time. A coach has to connect with players and assistant coaches. They have to plan practices according to the personnel at hand, and have to game plan every little detail for the next game. One theme that kept coming up was the ability for a coach to be level-headed and able to keep control of their emotions.”

Disc Golf Safari was more than just a game of disc golf. Students explored local landscapes, learned technique and developed communication and camraderie.

“I like this Intermezzo,” shares Laura ‘26 with regard to Glaciated Landscapes of Maine, “because we get to see something new every day as well as learn some interesting facts about how glaciers impacted [the] geography of Maine. I think [the] most efficient learning is achieved while looking at real examples and experiencing them. This intermezzo gives me the opportunity to learn like that and at the same time spend time with my friends while learning about glaciers of Maine.”

Students that explored History through Film share “The farther you look back, the farther you can look forward.”

Disc Golf Safari students learned a new sport, explored the beautiful state of Maine, and embraced both teamwork and competition. Watch their course recap here.

We’ve also created a slideshow with images and video from all of our course here, so you can understand the breadth and depth of topics explored throughout the week.

Parents and students are invited to view more photos on Vidigami.


Read More about Intermezzo Reflections