Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Introducing our New Program: Exploration (X) Blocks:

Introducing our New Program: Exploration (X) Blocks:

Thursday afternoons at Hebron bring a break from the usual class routine, with one long "X Block" rather than three shorter class periods. X Blocks are an opportunity for students to get their hands dirty with experiential activities, both off and on campus, that reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. The Conceptual Physics class might be found by the retention pond racing their hand-built cars. Spanish 2 might be found in a faculty apartment preparing a traditional Central American holiday meal. US History might be found in the Bell-Lippman Archives poring over the extensive primary source collection right here on campus. American Literature might be found engaging in a contemplative writing exercise down by Marshall Pond. The opportunities are endless! 


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