Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Middle School Poetry Writing Contest Winners Announced

Middle School Poetry Writing Contest Winners Announced

We are excited to share that the winner of the Middle School Poetry Writing Contest is Caden Violette with his poem "Shadows of the Clouds"!

Louisa Strong and Lila Rowzee tied for second place with their pieces "Now" and "Melon" respectively. 

These students will have Union certificates waiting for them in the fall! Congratulations to Caden, Louisa, and Lila! Here are their poems for you to enjoy. 

"Shadows of the Clouds"

By Caden Violette ‘24

Sometimes when I look from the top of a mountain 
At the forests of lower lands 
I see dark bruises littering the forest 
These are the shadows of the clouds 
Blocking out the light of the sun 
When I am in the sun these clouds seem so innocent 
The imagination can transform them into an external number of objects 
Yet when I am in the shadow of the clouds they no longer seem so innocent and beautiful 
No matter how hard I imagine I cannot turn it into the one thing I want it to be; 
It seems as if the cloud is blanketing the world in darkness 
But eventually the cloud will float away to burden someone else's day 
When the cloud floats 
I often feel as if the light of happiness is interrupted by the shadow of troubles 
In the moment the trouble seems both eternal and universal 
But just as I feel I cannot live on the clouds float away


By Louisa Strong ‘26

It is cold now
The properties sold now
The children are old now
The story is told now
It is spring now
The sparrows sing now
The church bells ring now
The story is told now


By Lila Rowzee ‘24

Not unlike a sour peach
Without fuzz or seed
The Melon fruit holds secrets,
When sliced open
You may peek
And the Melon speaks
Wise words for the meek
It glistens Orange, Purple, Green, and Pink
The Melon speaks the truth
And the truth will keep.

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