Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Mr. Paul's Very Gothic Summer

Mr. Paul's Very Gothic Summer

Mr. Trevor Paul, English faculty, invites you to join him for a Very Gothic Summer! The idea is for Mr. Paul to teach topics and works he does not get to deal with in his classes, but finds extremely fascinating and compelling. Ms. Reedy pointed out that many of the topics have a gothic theme, so that’s how he got the title! This is completely optional, but a fun way to stay connected and engaged academically with your Hebron community throughout the summer.

"As the school year came to a close, I was thinking about how to keep myself engaged over the summer as the pandemic situation is still very much in flux. I have created a series of fun topics to discuss. This is open to anyone and everyone connected to Hebron, and I hope it can be a way to stay in contact and also read/watch/listen to some really cool works."

Each week there will be a live meeting for Hebron community members to come in and talk about what they have been reading, watching, or listening to as a group.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday​ - A video will go up with information about the work, creators, and influences as a preview of the material.
Thursday​ - A Zoom meeting is held for anyone interested to discuss the material covered that week.
Friday​ - Mr. Paul will post and email out the Zoom recording or, if necessary, a video recap of key ideas/themes.

An outline of topics, meeting information and links to the works and/ or where to access the works can all be found here.

If you would like to join the discussions or would like to learn more, please contact Mr. Paul at

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