Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Over 70 students Obtained First Covid Vaccine

Over 70 students Obtained First Covid Vaccine

We are thrilled to report that over 70 Hebron students were able to obtain their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine this past week. “Our goal was to get all eligible students aged 16 and older vaccinated before the end of the school year and we are pleased to report that this is likely to be a reality.”, said Courtney Marchetti, Director of Student Success. “Our Health Services team, led by Director of Health Services, Deb Traub, worked extremely expeditiously with local clinics, parents, and students to make this happen. We couldn’t be more grateful for their efforts on our student's behalf or more excited for our students and our community. This is a huge step in the right direction!”.



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