Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Ringing the Bell-Hebron Academy's Podcast

Ringing the Bell-Hebron Academy's Podcast

Welcome to Ringing the Bell, a podcast coming to you live from lovely Hebron Academy.  If you missed our last episode about Entrepreneurship make sure to head to Spotify to check it out.

I am very excited about this episode because we are going to talk about Media and how it has transformed over the last few years, especially during the pandemic.  As most of us know, movie theatres were closed for 1.5 years, where a lot are still closed, or they went out of business.  This forced the movie and TV industry to make major shifts in how they do things because they needed to find ways to still get their content out.  We now live in a world where a lot of movies are going straight to live stream services like HBO, Netflix, Disney +, etc.  Is this a sustainable strategy or was this just a pivot for the time during a pandemic? 

I am joined by 3 gentlemen who have a lot of experience in the world of media.  I am joined by Dylan Minninger who is the Admissions Creator here at Hebron Academy.  Calvin Grover, who is a senior, who has found a passion for photography and video.  And finally, our special guest, who I have had the privilege of knowing my whole life, my brother, Eric Tovell who is a VP at Sony Animation.  



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