Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Student Profile: Morgan Bussierre '21

Student Profile: Morgan Bussierre '21

Senior Spotlight: Morgan Bussierre

"Coming to Hebron Academy has really brought me out of my shell and made me feel more confident in myself, I have made so many memories here that will last a lifetime."

*Favorite class is Honors Comparative Literature

*Favorite trip taken at Hebron was in 8th grade when my class took a trip to Quebec

*Favorite Hebron memory was hiking to the Flagstaff Huts in both my freshman and sophomore year as our orientation for the new school year!

*My biggest lesson that I have learned at Hebron is that you cannot please everyone and that sticking up for yourself and doing what is right is most important even if some people may disagree.

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