Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

This Week at HAMS- March 27

This Week at HAMS- March 27

The 7th grade Latin students came to class this week bearing the fruits of their labors, a Roman domus. The design of these homes can still be seen in new residences throughout the Mediterranean - it is a design that works! The students used architectural sources for their buildings. They were asked to label the parts of their house, including impluvium, triclinium, hortus, and culina. All of the students agreed that this was a very effective way to learn vocabulary. When junior Olivia Caggiano saw the projects, she said, "That was the best project, the most fun, that we have ever done! We got to be creative. I loved it!" 

 Here is a link to the project description - Roman House Project 2021

Here is a link for up-to-date news: Click Here

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