Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Academic Support at a Boarding School

Student and teacher high five in library
The Academic Guidance Center

Academic Advising at a Boarding School

Effective and accessible academic support is one of the most important parts of boarding school. Academic guidance helps students by providing individualized advice that will make their classroom performance flourish. 

Getting support at a boarding school will also strengthen students' self-awareness and help them identify a path to achieve their future goals. At Hebron Academy, we prioritize academic support so our students can thrive.

Why Is Academic Support So Important?

Academic support is of the utmost importance for student learning and academic success. Accessible academic advising at boarding school creates an environment that caters to every student's personal needs and fosters the development of other social skills. 

Getting support at a boarding school also encourages the improvement of skills such as resiliency and problem-solving. If a student needs extra assistance, an effective academic advising center should provide the encouragement and resources necessary to help them regain their confidence and solve their problems.

Additionally, academic support leads to a better connection between the students and the school itself. This way, learners develop more than an academic connection to their school, enhancing their overall experience and motivation to succeed.

Because of the advantages of effective academic support at a boarding school, Hebron Academy ensures our students receive the guidance they need to reach their full potential. 

How Often Should You Receive Support?

It should be easy for students to receive academic support while attending a boarding school. Without advice, scholars can feel disconnected from their school or isolated if they need extra assistance. 

Because our students are dedicated to their academic futures, our faculty and staff are, too. Whether a learner needs individual help in a class or general test-taking advice, our academic support center will listen to their concerns and help them figure out an effective path to success. 

At Hebron Academy, we offer accessible Academic Guidance sessions, where students meet one-on-one with a guidance coach. These sessions assist scholars in several ways, including:

  • Developing individualized academic strategies.

  • Identifying personal goals for success.

  • Gaining academic confidence.

  • Improving study habits.

We also provide a Structured Study Hall, where Academic Guidance is offered to our students as needed. This way, individuals can receive sufficient academic support while they attend our boarding school.

How Can Hebron Academy Help?

At Hebron Academy, we understand the link between effective academic support and success. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to providing individualized academic guidance to every student so they can reach their full potential.

To ensure our students receive the guidance and tools they need, we offer multiple forms of support, such as:

  • Advisor Programs: Each student participates in a small group with a designated advisor who answers questions as they arise.

  • Math Corner: For specialized help in mathematics, students can receive extra help on homework or test preparation at the Math Corner.

  • Writer's Block: If a student needs help with any writing assignment, they can work with advanced English students at Writer's Block.

To learn more about how we help students succeed, browse our academic support and guidance programs or contact us to learn about all the possibilities we offer!


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