Round Square
As a member of Round Square, Hebron Academy is part of a global network of over 200 innovative schools in 50 countries. Round Square schools are characterized by a shared belief in an approach to education built around six themes: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership, and Service (IDEALS).
This network of schools collaborate and connect to offer world-class experiences and programs to Hebron students that increase global competence and develop character. Hebron Academy recognizes the strong connection between character education and academic success, and through participation in the active and vibrant Round Square student committee, attendance at regional and international conferences, and engagement in service learning trips, Hebron students come to know that they are capable of being a positive force for change in the world.
“There is more in you than you think”
—Kurt Hahn, Founder of Round Square
How Hebron Academy Gets Involved
Hebron Academy recognizes the strong connection between character education and academic success and nowhere is that more evident than with Hebron’s active and vibrant Round Square Student Committee. Led by students, the committee organizes community service initiatives on campus, like the annual food drive benefiting Good Shepard Food Bank in addition on-site service opportunities like volunteering at Trinity Jubilee Center. The committee works to raise awareness around global issues through events such as our annual international film festival and global cuisine night. And of course, no Round Square experience would be complete without adventure! Round Square students challenge themselves through winter hiking experiences, explorations in Grafton Notch, overnight camping trips, and much more.
Hebron students also have the opportunity to participate in Round Square’s regional and international conferences with students from around the globe. Students have recently traveled to conferences in India, Peru, and Canada.
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