Science and Engineering
The Science Department members share their enthusiasm and interests to spark curiosity and to nurture and develop an interest in science.It is important for students to understand that science is a process for approaching problems and that the approaches used in science may be relevant to other situations in their lives. The department stresses to students how science is an ever-expanding body of knowledge and that ideas and theories are modified as scientists learn more. It is a dynamic field, not a static one!
Science and Engineering Courses
Our Science Program
The department strives to provide students with a solid background in the life and physical sciences to prepare them to deal effectively with science and technology issues related to their everyday lives, to help develop more acute observational skills, as well as to prepare students well for college-level courses. Each student must complete at least one full-year laboratory course in both life science (biology) and physical science (chemistry or physics).
Please note that minimum enrollment is required to run classes.