Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine


Hebron Words Program

How is it that some people are amazing public speakers? At Hebron, we believe that everyone can be! Public speaking skills are taught with a unique focus for each grade level, and are practiced in every classroom. So, whether you are speaking at the board to describe a math problem or speaking as part of an Economics class debate, you will be guided to speak with confidence, voice, and life through a familiar common language. Eye contact? Check! Poise? Check! Public Speaking? Check!  

girl presents to a table of collaborating students

First Word- Students in 9th grade write and perform speeches in the Humanities Curriculum and perform exclusively for their classmates.

girl gives speech about china

Next Word- Sophomores learn the intricacies of a Pecha Kucha style speech performance, incorporating a slideshow presentation to their talking points.

In other Words- New juniors learn how to perform someone else’s speech or monolog- think Martin Luther King, Gloria Steinem or Ghandi…
All Juniors have practical workshops and Mock Interview experience before spring college visits.

blonde girl gives speech

The Last Word- Seniors and Postgraduates perform a speech of their own devising before the school community. Topics range from “How to build the perfect paper airplane” to “Why I want to study microbiology.”