Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

The Words Program

At Hebron, we believe that everyone can become a confident public speaker. Public speaking and interpersonal communication skills are emphasized in every classroom–whether you are describing a math problem at the board, taking part in a fast-paced discussion in English class, or giving a group presentation in Economics.

Along with frequent chances to use your voice in your classes, you will likely find yourself called on to speak up in other roles on campus: team captains, club presidents, and student proctors all constantly hone their communication skills.

Both inside and outside of the classroom, you will be supported by the Words Program and its common language of poise, voice, and life, and each year you will take part in a different Words Program experience, such as formal persuasive speeches, mock college interviews, and the inspirational Last Words given by seniors and postgraduates in front of the entire campus community. 

The Last Word is Yours!

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