Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

2022-2023 School Dress Code

2022-2023 School Dress Code

I am Mae Applegate, the new Dean of Students at Hebron Academy.

Dress Code will be a topic of discussion and collaboration this year in our school community.

I will be facilitating Dress Code Think Tank meetings, where students and faculty will be able to discuss and build a new dress code together that we all respect and value. In the meantime, I have shifted the dress code for this year to be a little more relaxed while we build a new one together.

Our dress code next year will likely be very different from this year. I am encouraging all students who care about the dress code to join our group and help us build a better one! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

During Academic Hours:
Hats and culturally appropriate headwear are permitted at school. 

Pants and Bottoms
Allowed: dresses, skirts, slacks, corduroys, khakis/chinos, capris, jeans and bermuda or cargo shorts

Shirts and Tops
Allowed: t-shirts, blouses, collared shirts, sweatshirts, and sweaters.

During Formal Events:

Option 1: Any combination of the following: 
Bottoms: Dress slacks, dressy skirt, dress 
Tops: Blouse, dress shirt, tie, blazer, dress
Footwear: Dress shoes

Option 2: Culturally appropriate formal attire. 

In the Dining Hall:
Academic Hours dress is required in the dining hall during the school day, including free periods. Students who are not in school dress due to illness should not eat in the Dining Hall.

Outside of academic hours, meals and formal events:
During after school activities, in the evening and on the weekend, attire is more relaxed. Students may be required to wear activity specific clothing for safety or activity-specific reasons.

Pants and Bottoms
Allowed: dresses, skirts, slacks, corduroys, khakis/chinos, capris, jeans, leggings, athletic attire, sweatpants, and bermuda or cargo shorts

Shirts and Tops
Allowed: blouses, collared shirts, sweaters, t-shirts, and sweatshirts