Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Magnus Final Training

Magnus Final Training

Here are the final requirements we haven't spoken about yet and a few simple instructions on them.  All requirements have a brief explanation with them when you open the requirement in Magnus.  Even if your student is 18, we do ask that you as a parent also sign the forms.

Bedard’s HIPAA form is an e-sign document for our school pharmacy, Bedard’s, outlining their HIPAA policy.  We utilize Bedard’s for all prescriptions as well as for some over the counter medications and supplements.  They also assist us in administering flu vaccines.  This requirement is due by July 2.

Release of Information (ROI) is an e sign document to give us the ability to communicate with your student’s off campus providers in the event any of our health care and counseling team needs to do so. This requirement is due July 2.

ImPACT testing is an e sign document enabling the health and athletic teams to administer ImPACT testing to your student to assist in the treatment of head injuries.  This requirement is due July 2.Consent for COVID-19 testing is an e sign document that covers all testing we perform on campus to assist in diagnosis COVID 19 and surveillance testing to ensure a safe and open campus.  This requirement is due July 2.

Pool testing consent form is to allow the school to administer a “pooled” or batch test as a form of surveillance testing.  It is part of our layered approach to keep the school open to in person classes.  The testing is through a lab in Massachusetts called Concentric and has been contracted by the State of Maine and is available to all schools in the state.  Testing is free to all students.

Consent to administer the influenza vaccine is an e sign document that gives permission to administer the quadrivalent influenza vaccine, usually sometime between September and November.  This consent is due by July 2.

Consent for COVID-19 vaccine is an e sign document that gives us permission to either administer a vaccine on campus or take your student to a vaccination clinic. All vaccines are FDA approved. This requirement is due July 2.

Tuberculosis questionnaire and testing is a form you fill out online that is reviewed by the health center staff to determine if your student requires testing for possible exposure to tuberculosis.   This form is due July 2, so we can determine if your student needs testing.

Departure plan is a form you need to download, fill out completely, and upload that gives us vital information in case your student needs to leave campus on short notice.  This requirement is due August 1.

The gender form is an online questionnaire that enables our team to better serve and support your student. This form is designed to be answered by your student. Please allow them to fill out the form.  This requirement is due by July 2.

The COVID-19 vaccination form is a download and copy form that you then upload with the students vaccination card.

If at any time over the summer  you have a question about a requirement, please email the health center at or directly to the Director of Health Services, Deb Traub, at  Please remember that the center is closed and we work limited hours daily. We will try to return any emails within 24 hours Monday - Friday.

The due dates are firm on all requirements so when Magnus opens up on June 2, be sure to log in and look through everything that needs to be done.  There is no exception to any requirement- they all must be completed.