Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Remember! The following Magnus requirements are due on all students by July 2

Remember!  The following Magnus requirements are due on all students by July 2

Also, please do not send forms or consents to the health center by email or hard copy- please fill them out on the site or upload or fax them, please.  We cannot complete the requirements for you.

Vital Health Record - a form filled out online

Medical Consent - electronically signed 

HIPPA Patient Privacy for Bedard Pharmacy - electronically signed

Over the Counter Medication Form - a form filled out online

Supplement consent - a form you download, fill out, and upload if you wish your student to take a supplement

Influenza Vaccine Permission - electronically signed

Consent for a COVID 19 vaccine- electronically signed

COVID-19 Consent for testing - electronically signed

Pool testing consent - 

Screening for Tuberculosis Testing - online form- please read the guidelines for testing carefully

Proof of insurance - upload an insurance card front and back and the form attached

International Student Injury and Sickness Plan - purchase student insurance for all international students

ImPact permission form- electronically signed

Departure Plan- download, fill out, upload

ISS required forms- if you wish to use our local guardian as your departure plan

Student Health Survey - download, your student completes it and upload

Social/Emotional Health - download, complete, and upload

PLEASE do not upload photos- they do not come out clear and they are often not accepted as a legal document.  Only upload forms as a PDF.

If you haven't already, please be sure to schedule your student's annual health assessment (physical)  All students must have a completed assessment prior to arrival in August.  If you have questions, please contact, Deb Traub.