Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Message from The Head of School - 26 June, 2020

Dear Hebron families, 
Our faculty and staff are busy looking ahead to the Fall and the start of a new academic year. We cannot wait to welcome everyone on campus! In preparation, our Reopening Task Force is meeting weekly, and the work of the subcommittees is ongoing. 

Objectives of the Reopening Task Force:
  1. To develop a comprehensive reopening plan for the 2020-21 academic year that prioritizes the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and the greater community.
  2. To develop and adapt programming to meet the holistic needs of our student body and ensure an optimal educational experience during this unique and challenging time. 
Reopening Task Force Subcommittees
  • Health and Safety, chaired by Courtney Marchetti
  • Academics, chaired by Christine Hemmings
  • Community Life, co-chaired by Emily Bonis and David Ruiz
  • Athletics, chaired by Caddy Brooks
  • Finance/HR, chaired by Jim Bisesti

We anticipate having an update about campus reopening by the week of July 6th which will be sent as a separate email announcement. We are committed to transparent and timely communication and engagement with the internal and external community about Hebron's plans and actions in the coming months.
We will be creating a Campus Reopening page on our website that will contain all information and updates about our reopening plans.  We will send notifications when there is new information to share.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate these unprecedented times.
Dan Marchetti