Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Message from The Head of School- March 12, 2021

Message from The Head of School- March 12, 2021

Please join me in wishing hearty congratulations to all of our students, faculty, and staff for completing the Winter Trimester today. Given the many unknowns we faced this winter, we knew this could be a long and challenging period for all. That being said, I am very proud of our community for their perseverance and positivity during the winter. We really pulled together to make the most of our on-campus opportunities and enjoyed creative classes, a unique winter athletic season, and so many fun residential life community games. I hope everyone enjoys this well-earned Spring Break and comes back ready to make the most of our Spring Term, which will fly by!

 As of today, over half of our employees have received their Covid-19 vaccinations, with many more scheduled to get their shots in the coming days. While this does not change anything in the short term for Hebron, it is a wonderful sign of light at the end of the tunnel as the vaccine rollout speeds up for all.

 I hope many of you will tune in this Saturday for Timeless, A Hebron Cabaret at 7:00 PM (link to come). Congrats to Mrs. Middleton and all of the students and faculty who helped make this unique and impressive experience possible. I can’t wait to tune in to celebrate our students' many talents in the arts on display!

Dan Marchetti