Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Message from The Head of School - June 12, 2020

Message from The Head of School - June 12, 2020

Dear Hebron families, 
We continue to prepare for the fall with a Task Force in place to monitor the guidelines and recommendations put forth by the government and CDC in regards to COVID-19 and how that impacts independent boarding and day schools. We are confident in our ability to be flexible and provide the amazing experience and education that you and your students seek for this next step in their academic journey.
I also want to acknowledge the tumult of recent days and the important ground-swell to support equality and inclusion for black people and persons of color in our country.  Hebron has put forth a detailed letter of how we plan to take steps to ensure greater awareness, better equality, inclusion, and support for black students and all students. We have a responsibility and a sincere desire to do better. I hope you will read through our anti-racism resources page and join in the conversation. We know that it is important for all of us to take part in the conversation and commit to anti-racism in our school and wherever we each can have an impact. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any feedback as we continue this important aspect of our community and education. 
Dan Marchetti