Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

The Tiny Love Story Hebron Writing Contest

The Tiny Love Story Hebron Writing Contest

Taking a page out of The New York Times (ha!), Hebron’s next writing contest asks you to tell a love story in no more than one hundred words.

Chronicle the love you feel for a favorite book, a place, a  special person, a sport, a pet, a family member, a friend- the opportunities are as vast and varied as your imagination allows. Just be sure you stick to the word count!

After you’ve submitted your piece  to us, consider sharing it with the world:

Winners will receive a $30.00 gift certificate to the Union. We will have winners in the following categories:

  • Junior/ senior /PG
  • Freshman/sophomore
  • Middle school 

Please have written submissions or your artwork in by Friday, January 29th.

Submission Requirements:

  1. All submissions must have a title, your name, and your graduation year
  2. You may submit multiple entries.
  3. Please share your entry with your English teacher, or you can share your entry directly with Ms. Waterman: