Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Information about Quarantine for Under 12 Students

Information about Quarantine for Under 12 Students

Begin at home quarantine on August 15

  • Avoid all unmasked interaction with anyone outside of their immediate family group (the people you live with).  
  • Minimize masked interactions with those outside of your household to the lowest tolerable level (e.g., essential medical appointments) 
  • Avoid engaging in any group activities or in high density places or large group settings (e.g., restaurants, shopping, sports activities, etc.) 
  • Mask at all times when outside of the home 
  • Test with a PCR on August 15
    Send the results to Hebron Health Services healthservices@hebronacademy.or

    Remain in quarantine
    Test again on August  23

Send results to Hebron Health Services

Remain in quarantine until August 29, when we will see you on campus for registration 

Please notify the Hebron Health Center if you would like to have us perform the testing