Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

New Departure Date for Underclassmen

New Departure Date for Underclassmen

As you likely read in last Friday's Hebron Connected, we recently finalized our plans for the Commencement ceremony for the class of 2021. The graduating seniors' number one priority for that special day is, understandably, the presence of their families. In order to make that a reality, we must ask our junior, sophomore, freshman, and HAMS boarders to depart a day earlier than planned. 

We are now asking that all non-senior boarding students depart campus on Friday, May 14th. 

For underclassmen being picked up by parents, pick-up hours will be between 9am and 5pm. Mr. Weld will be sending out a sign-up form this week on which parents can indicate their intended time of arrival. We will also be sharing more details around pick-up protocol as the date approaches.  

If you are an underclassman who is flying home and you have already scheduled a flight for Saturday, May 15th, we ask that you please do your best to reschedule your flight for Friday, instead. As we are still 7 weeks out from this date, we are hopeful this will be doable for most, if not all, of our boarding students who plan to fly home. However, if you absolutely cannot change your flight and must depart on Saturday, May 15th, please reach out to Mr. Weld as soon as possible.

There will be plenty of time set aside for students to pack during the prior weekend and on Thursday afternoon and evening. There will not be any classes or exams on Friday, May 14th, with the exception of the AP Bio exam, which should be done by noon at the latest.

Thank you for your understanding. This event is incredibly important for our seniors, and this is the only way to make it possible for their families to be in attendance. Please let me know if you have any questions.

If you have any questions or concerns about travel, please reach out to Mr. Weld: