Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Optimizing the Remote Learning Experience: Tips for Parents

Optimizing the Remote Learning Experience: Tips for Parents

As we look ahead to our upcoming distance learning period, we thought it would be helpful to highlight tips on optimizing the remote learning experience.

Our Director of Student Success, Courtney Marchetti, shared these helpful tips in the spring, and we thought it would be beneficial to share them again now.

Tips include:

  • Establish and Maintain a Routine/Schedule
  • Limit Distractions
  • Set Daily Work Goals
  • Help Your Child Maintain a Healthy Outlook
  • Be Mindful of How You Interact with Your Teen

You can read about each tip in more detail on our Distance Learning Hub or you can also download the full document here.

Mrs. Marchetti has a B.S. in Psychology and an M.S.N. in Psychiatric Nursing. She has worked in the field of child psychiatry for nearly 15 years.