Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Q&A Video for Distance Learners

Q&A Video for Distance Learners

The amazing Hebron proctors have created a video to answer questions about distance learning!

Students were surveyed about what questions or concerns they had about distance learning. The proctors compiled the questions and then made a video with answers.

Thank you, proctors!

Watch the video

Message from the Proctors:

As promised, the distance learning Q&A video is now released on YouTube and you should definitely check it out! It will answer all your questions about distance learning (if not, comment below the video and let us know). You could watch it just for fun and I bet you will like it!

Thanks again to all the people who filled out the google form, and contributed to the video.

Proctor team