Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Spirit Week, Homecoming and Parents Weekend Update

Spirit Week, Homecoming and Parents Weekend Update

We have spirit week this week!  Each Day is a different theme for the students and faculty to dress up.  The week will end on Friday with an all-school Pep Rally.  Please ask your student what color they should wear on Friday for the Pep Rally!

Dress Up Theme: Pajama Day

Dress Up Theme: Dynamic Duo

Dress Up Theme: Country vs. Country Club

Kents Hill Chair Game Wednesday
As you heard in Morning Meeting this morning, next week we will celebrate the Kents Hill Chair game, this year a Varsity Girls’ Soccer game at 4PM at Kents Hill on Wednesday. We are sending a fan bus so that students can attend and cheer on the girls.

Dress Up Theme: Dress like a celebrity

Dress Up Theme: Class color

Seniors: Black
Sophomores: Green
Freshman: Blue
Eighth Grade: Red
Six/Seventh Grade: Orange

Pep Rally Friday, October 7 at 7PM
This is a required event for our boarding students and will include a recognition of all our sports teams for the fall and fun class competitions.