Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Statement about Wednesday's Riots

Statement about Wednesday's Riots

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, a great many around the world witnessed an unprecedented and disgraceful scene in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Capitol.

The world witnessed what many have called an attempted insurrection, and an act of sedition and terrorism. There are many who are calling for the president’s removal, as he is seen as the individual who encouraged and incited the lawless attack on the U.S. Capitol, and its employees. 

Where was the backup for law enforcement? Where was the FBI? Where was the national guard? Recent protests by supporters of Black Lives Matter were immediately met with swift and tactical military and police force, resulting in dozens of arrests, and injuries to protestors and presumed rioters. When the Capitol steps were breached on January 6th it took several hours for police reinforcement and national guard to respond and establish a perimeter. It was obvious to those of us who were incredulously witnessing this on TV that Capitol and Metropolitan police were clearly outnumbered and overwhelmed. 

Our country has not seen a siege or takeover of the Capitol since the War of 1812, and that was at the hands of the British, not American citizens. These acts should not and cannot go unanswered. It does not matter whether you are a fiscal conservative, social liberal, pro-life or pro-choice, a climate change denier or environmental advocate; our country cannot spiral into lawlessness and anarchy. Our strength is in our ability to have civil discourse and debate. We are not a totalitarian or authoritarian dictatorship. It is our multi-racial, multicultural, multi-religious diversity that makes us the great Republic that we are. 

Please take care of each other, and pay close attention to our young citizens. Fear, distrust, and confusion cannot rule the day. We must be better and we must rise above the hate. We ask that those who have committed this treasonous act, and those who encouraged them be brought to justice. Our citizens deserve nothing short of Justice For All. 

David Ruiz

Dean of Student Life
Chair, DEI Task Force