Boarding and Day · Co-ed College Prep · Grades 6–12 & Postgraduate · Hebron, Maine

Winterlude is Coming! Please Sign Your Student Up TODAY!

 Winterlude is Coming! Please Sign Your Student Up TODAY!

This year's Winterlude will take place from January 24th to January 26th. During Winterlude, rather than attending classes, students will explore one or two activities or interests in depth. This is an opportunity for them to dive deep into a passion they already had, pick up a new skill, or learn about something they've never studied before. 

All of the activities on offer reflect one or more of our Global Classroom pillars -- Adventure, Art, Culture, Justice, Ecology, and Wellness -- and were developed with the help of student input. Some of these activities are "full session," meaning the students will only engage in one activity for the entirety of Winterlude, while others are "half session." Students will either be assigned to one full session or two half sessions. All out-of-state trips are overnight, full session activities. Students on the boys' varsity hockey team and the boys' varsity basketball team should not sign up for any of the overnight trip options, as they have afternoon athletic games on Monday and/or Tuesday. Finally, please note that some of the Winterlude activities come with additional costs while others do not. For this reason, we ask that the sign-up form linked below please be completed by students' parents or guardians.

A summary of all of the Winterlude activities can be found here. Please review the activity summaries and work with your student to fill out this sign-up form by Friday, December 31st. 

If we have not received a sign-up form for your student by that time, they will be assigned to a no-cost, on-campus activity at the school's discretion.