Illness & Injury
Students who are sick or injured and are unable to attend classes must report to the Student Health Center for evaluation and treatment. Students are expected to stay in the Health Center to rest and recover during the academic and athletic day. Day students who become ill during the school day will be sent home or asked to rest in the Health Center until they have arranged transportation. Day students should contact the Health Center if they are absent from school due to an illness or injury.
Medication Management
Student medication is administered and managed by the Student Health Center staff. All medications must be kept in the Health Center with the exception of inhalers, EpiPens, face washes/creams and birth control. It is the student's responsibility to report to the Health Center for daily prescription medication administration.
Over the counter medication is available to all students at the Health Center. Students are not allowed to have prescription medication or over-the-counter medication in their rooms unless cleared by the Health Center staff.
Athletic Training
Certified Athletic Trainers are available after-school and during practices and games both on weekdays and weekends to support our student-athletes. Our Athletic Trainers encourage students to become the center of their recovery and involve them in the decision-making process whenever possible. Athletic Trainers provide:
- Care and prevention of athletic injuries
- Rehabilitation of existing sport injuries
- Athletic training assistance at all home contests
- Concussion management and education
Athletic Trainers work closely with the Student Health Center in regards to coordinating referrals, visits and follow-up care with physicians, physical therapists, orthopedic specialists and other area specialists as needed.
Concussion Management
Hebron Academy recognizes the growing concerns about and awareness of concussion management and strives to maintain a healthy environment for all student-athletes. Students with signs and symptoms of a concussion are removed from play and assessed by a licensed medical professional specializing in concussion management. Once diagnosed with a concussion, students follow a concussion protocol that supports both physical and mental health. Students work closely with an academic concussion manager who develops an academic concussion protocol during their recovery.