Philanthropy at Hebron
The totality of the student’s experience at Hebron is provided through a combination of financial resources including tuition, the Annual Fund, and periodic capital campaigns. I know that the pandemic has taken a toll on all of us in some manner, but please be as generous as you can.
- J. Matthew Lyness ’76, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
For most, if not all, independent schools and private colleges, tuition alone does not cover the cost of a student’s education.The gap between annual revenue and the cost to educate a student is bridged by the Annual Fund, a fundraising effort that runs from July 1 to June 30 each year.
All of the money raised by the Annual Fund goes directly toward the Academy’s operating budget to support and enhance the educational experience for each and every student. Undesignated gifts to the Annual Fund provide the greatest flexibility to the Academy and the ability for the Academy to address needs as they arise. We also know that the Hebron experience is different for everyone, and so we offer donors that the option of supporting specific areas of interest.
When you support the Academy with a gift to the Annual Fund, you are supporting the mission of the Academy and making a statement about your relationship with the institution. We hope that you are giving to something with which you feel deep connection. We ask that all members of the Hebron Academy community give early and give generously to the Annual Fund. Your gift to the Annual Fund is tax-deductible.
While a gift to the Annual Fund supports everything from faculty salaries and athletics to technology and grounds maintenance, the Academy also utilizes capital campaigns to build new facilities or deepen the endowment.Over the past several years, capital contributions have transformed the campus. We are deeply grateful to those families and individuals who have demonstrated such support for the Academy. Capital improvements and a strong endowment are crucial to the future of the Academy. A capital gift is an investment in the future of the Academy and supports a specific need within the Academy that is not funded through the operating budget.
In considering a capital gift, we ask all donors to maintain their level of support for the Annual Fund as well. An institution’s endowment is a key indicator of its financial sustainability and future success. Interest from the endowed funds allows additional support for financial aid, faculty recruitment and professional development, academic programming, and facilities improvements. It also allows the school the depth and flexibility to respond to urgent and unplanned occurrences.
Gift designations allow donors to designate their gifts toward specific areas of interest.
Current designations include:
Where need is greatest
Diversity & Inclusion
Faculty Support
Financial Aid